I've been doing a bit of writing lately. Obviously, not here on my blog, but at a site called SFX-360. I have been on a trial basis writing since November and now am finally a full member of the staff. It's exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. I still get really nervous when I post up something that I think is a big deal. Today, I wrote my first ever opinionated piece about Activision's disregard of female gamers. You should go give it a read, Pressing My Buttons CoD Style - An Open Letter to Activision .
I've also been trying to get my head back into the poetry writing mood. I seemed to have lost the taste for it over the past few years. You would think being in a beautiful place like Sicily that poems would be in abundance. Unfortunately, they weren't. I met up with a dear friend when I got back to Jacksonville and that person has seemed to give me the kick in the ass that I have needed. This person also gave me the greatest gift that I have ever received and turned one of my poems into a song. That has also seemed to give me the motivation to get back into that particular arena.
I know without a college degree to my name that most wouldn't give me a shot. At this point, though, I think it's good that I can build a portfolio along with writing about things that interest me.
A Selection of Some of My Poems
It's been quite awhile since I blogged. I have to have some motivation behind it. So in the mean time, I thought I'd share another form of my writing, my poetry. I have been writing since I was 14, with breaks here and there. Without further ado, here's a few of my favorites from over the past 12 years.
The Meaning of an Asterisk
A string of curse words
Pouring from your mouth
How can something so dirty, be so sultry?
Say them again
Speak your poems of filth
Fill my ears with your nasty sonancy
I yearn for your treacherous soliloquies
Kiss my lips
I want your disease
The Gist of My Epiphany
Twinkling stars of broken glass
Every sunbeam was a razor
Every moonbeam, a bomb
Caught in the earthquake
Oxygen is not enough as I feel my chest get tight
I had a book about hope
But I rejected the notion
At the Edge of Tomorrow
Chromatic summer daisies stretch toward the paling tangerine sun
Their tilted stems sway away from phantom shadows
Whilst spectres dance in the ever-increasing beclouded twilight
Luminescence hovers betwixt misty petals
Blossoms grasp for final moments of radiance
Trying desperately to create a vestige of day to get through the night
Places I Might Have Turned
I still think about him sitting there
Amongst twinkling stars of broken glass
Cigarette burns on his wrist and maple wood guitar in his hands
His warped songs enrapturing my soul in the backseat of a jalopy
When we left fresh tracks in the mud in the middle of the night
Teeming with steam, sweat and wild eyes
Always wanting this to last forever and a minute more
You just really had to be there
In A Different Light
You gave another look when the glass hit the floor,
How your eyes fluttered then.
(You always were the cynic)
Mark that on your calendar; ground within the mortar.
I’'m a woman with other wishes.
She read it in the tea leaves.
Visions of Gammas and Neutrons Danced in Their Heads
In her theory of the solar system
The world is spinning and twirling
And like the best day, it's all hazy
Covered in violets
Me, in reverie
Riding the Next Starshine
Trancing through the sky on worldly wings
Passion gushes moondust
Images of wild blossoms fashion an hypnotic encounter
With a belief in the sanctuary of incredible efflorescence
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